
Showing posts from February, 2021

Dental Implants to Reconstruct Natural Smile

Missing a tooth is detrimental to oral health and overall wellness for many reasons, ranging from reduced self-confidence to deteriorating bone loss. Such problems can significantly affect their quality of life as well.  Dental implants are a popular prosthetic replacement for missing teeth in dentistry. Dentists place into a jawbone and allow for fusing in surgical procedure. This artificial titanium root can hold crowns or bridges without affecting a nearby tooth. There are great advantages to choosing a titanium replacement for edentulism, and it has the success rate out of all available option.   When a Condition Needs Replacement?  Dental implants replace one or several missing teeth. Since they integrate with an underlying bone structure, it produces a natural look and feel. Unlike dentures or fixed bridges, this solution does not affect one’s taste and sensory functions because dentists fix them permanently and ensure the utmost convenience. Surgeons examine an area ideal f